Schwerpunkt: »Scheitern«


Bound to fail
Living and working conditions in the comics industry


Aus dem Rahmen fallen / in den Rahmen fallen
Scheiternde Künstler im Comic um 1900


The List as a Means of Assessment and Standardization and Its Critical Remediation in Graphic Narratives About Illness and Care


›Scheitern‹ als strukturgebendes Prinzip
Die Kunst zu fliegen (2012) von Antonio Altarriba und Kim

Offener Themenbereich


»You Can’t Save The World Alone«
Zum zeitgenössischen Comicfilm in Serie


The ›Affected Scholar‹
Reading Raina Telgemeier’s Ghosts (2016) as a Disability Scholar and Cystic Fibrosis-Patient


Readable Space and Practice
OCD in Fun Home and in Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary



Kapow! Boom! Comics: They’re Not Just for Kids Anymore!
On the failure of comics criticism