Nancy Pedri
Manipulating Time across the Body: Subjectivity in Graphic Illness Narratives

Nina Schmidt
»So I took some photos.« Time, Photography and the Materialization of Memory in Graphic Narratives of Bereavement

Sucharita Sarkar
Repairing Time out of Joint: Narratives of Caring for Mothers with Cancer

Anne Rüggemeier
Krankheit, Tod und Sterblichkeit: Die ›arthrologische‹ Gestaltung von Nacht-Zeiten in Drama, Lyrik und Comic am Beispiel von Sarah Kane, Philip Larkin und David Small

Marina Rauchenbacher
Zeit-Körper Zeitkonzepte in Ulli Lusts und Marcel Beyers Flughunde

Sebastian Köthe
Zeitlichkeiten von Folter und Zeugenschaft in Sarah Mirks dokumentarischer Comic-Anthologie Guantánamo Voices

Natalie Veith
Diseased Bodies and Notions of Time in Ian Edginton and Davide Fabri’s Comic Book Series Victorian Undead